6 Best Online Attendance Systems for Schools

6 Best Online Attendance Systems for Schools

Finding the best online attendance systems for schools means you have to understand what you need in the first place. Are you looking for a simple app that can help you track the attendance of your students? Are you only concerned about automating attendance checking? Or, would you prefer to have other online attendance tools…

School Management Software in Excel

School Management Software in Excel

Due to the rapid changes experienced by schools in terms of learning, instruction, and engagement to students, schools invest in digitized classrooms. Although this is an innovative approach, the emerging use of school management systems can be overwhelming. Educational institutions may turn to open source management or the integration of Excel templates for managing various…

3 School Bus Tracking Software

3 School Bus Tracking Software

Generally known as fleet management, school bus tracking software is the next big thing in school management.  How does a school bus tracking software work? A relatively new addition to school management features, school bus tracking was only possible by integrating navigation systems into the software. Similar to how fleet management software systems work, the…

3 Virtual Classroom Software

3 Virtual Classroom Software

The transition to digital education required several software systems to migrate the experience of regular classes to the internet.  There is software for attendance tracking, administrative tasks, and plenty more. However, more software developers aimed to deliver the most valuable service among the needed software packages. And that is the virtual classroom software.  What is…

6 Apps to Aid Group Texting for Teachers

6 Apps to Aid Group Texting for Teachers

School-parent correspondence is a necessity. Despite the availability and accessibility of sending emails, scheduling and sending group texts is the more convenient option between the two.  But, don’t just dive into the process. Make sure you have the ideal tools to make this option even more convenient for you. Prepare several SMS templates that are…

7 Benefits of Student Attendance Management Systems

7 Benefits of Student Attendance Management Systems

A student attendance management system offers multiple benefits compared to the manual one. This new automated way is an upgrade that every school needs. Granted, it may need some time for stakeholders to adjust to this new system, but it’s an investment that is worth it. With everything around us developing and getting automated, schools…

Top 5 School ERP Software Benefits

Top 5 School ERP Software Benefits

The growth of any institution relies on proper planning and management. The same goes for academic institutions. Back in the day, efficient school management means going through piles of paperwork religiously.  But now, systemic school management comes in the form of school management software systems. These systems are referred to as School Enterprise Resource Planning…