Search Results for: payroll

4 Advantages of Modern Education System in India

4 Advantages of Modern Education System in India

What are the advantages of the modern education system in India? How is it different from ancient or even medieval Indian education? Is there any disadvantage to the modern education system? The Indian education system has changed so much over the millennia. In fact, the modern education system would’ve been imperceivable to our ancestors who…

School Management Software in Excel

School Management Software in Excel

Due to the rapid changes experienced by schools in terms of learning, instruction, and engagement to students, schools invest in digitized classrooms. Although this is an innovative approach, the emerging use of school management systems can be overwhelming. Educational institutions may turn to open source management or the integration of Excel templates for managing various…

Top 5 School ERP Software Benefits

Top 5 School ERP Software Benefits

The growth of any institution relies on proper planning and management. The same goes for academic institutions. Back in the day, efficient school management means going through piles of paperwork religiously.  But now, systemic school management comes in the form of school management software systems. These systems are referred to as School Enterprise Resource Planning…

Attendance Management System: Everything You Need to Know

Attendance Management System: Everything You Need to Know

Attendance management systems are not new in large industries. Even small to medium enterprises invest in this technology to capitalize on its efficiency. These industries use this simple system to keep track of their large populations. So, why aren’t schools doing the same? If you plan to have one installed for your educational institution, let’s…

How to Set Expense Approval Process in School

How to Set Expense Approval Process in School

Did you know that there are more ways to organize and automate your school’s expenses? In any educational institution, academic grades, student numbers, and tuition fees are not the only crucial information to keep. Due to the fact that schools handle a large amount of data like these, it is just right that most educational…

How to Manage School Finances Effectively

How to Manage School Finances Effectively

We often hear complaints about skyrocket tuition fees and seemingly unreasonable tuition hikes. But, these talks die down when a clear breakdown of the school’s finances is presented to them. Proper management of school finances organizes the institution’s cash flow and is then used to make crucial decisions for its development. But, financial management is…