It is impossible to run a business without employees unless you are willing to be the sole worker of your company on top of the responsibilities as an owner. But for academic institutions, it’s simply impossible.
Employee leave management is one of the many features that will ensure the satisfaction of your employees. With a proper leave management system, employees are assured that they can get the most out of the promised employee benefits and compensation. It is sometimes a challenge to schedule who can take leaves in school organizations because of employee shortage.
What is an Employee Leave Management System
An employee leave management system is an all-in-one portal where users can check and see their eligibility for leave credits. They can check how many credits they currently have and when they can use these credits.
It is common among organizations to block off days when no one is allowed to schedule leaves. These days are considered peak days where AHOD is usually needed—or all hands on deck. As such, it is essential to block off these days on the leave management system so the users can work around them.
Additionally, an employee leave management system allows for more straightforward requests and approval of leaves. The user can log in to submit a request and check its status through the same portal. It is an efficient method for the parties involved.
Tell-tale Signs that Says “You Need an Employee Leave Management System”
#01: You don’t have a leave management master list
Even if it’s written or organized in an Excel sheet haphazardly, having a simple leave management master list is better than none.
Leave tracking is as essential for the school management as the employee because it involves money. Depending on the requested leave date, it can correspond to full daily compensation, double, or no payment at all.
More than that, having a master list provides a clear picture of the current status. The list includes essential information, such as which of the employees are eligible for holiday and parental leaves. Aside from that, it presents the details on who can take on the responsibilities of the teacher who won’t be around for their scheduled leave dates.
Simply put, it makes shift scheduling and employee rotation easier.
#02: The employees are confused about their leave status and credits
Another tell-tale sign that will push your organization to invest in an employee leave management system is if you are getting a handful of queries every so often about their leave status situation.
An automated employee leave management system will answer all their questions within a few clicks. If they want to know how many leave credits they have left, they can check it by accessing the portal. They can also see the specific number of remaining credits for each particular type of leave.
In this manner, it lessens the responsibility of the staff that handles this matter. They don’t have to go through the files manually just to search through them again for another person’s inquiry. It is a thorough process, even if it doesn’t happen every day.
#03: You have received complaints about unpaid working days
Without a comprehensive record, you are bound to make clerical mistakes. It becomes a major concern when the mishap involves money.
It goes without saying that your employees should receive the proper compensation for their efforts. But, when it comes to leave management, special computations should be considered before compensating it properly.
Don’t wait for repeat instances if you have received at least one complaint about unpaid days or miscalculated salaries.
Top-performing Employee Leave Management Systems
1. GoSchooler
GoSchooler is not your average employee leave management system. It is a comprehensive all-in-one school management software that includes employee leave management as one of its offerings.
In this school management system, employee management is classified together with other Human Resource features under ERP. Under this feature, the employee can check their available leave credits according to type. Once they visit their employee profile, a complete list of all available leaves and their corresponding availability is presented.

Aside from that, the staff can also apply for leaves through the same portal. More than efficiency, employee leave management systems open up transparency. It erases all doubts about tampering with the remaining leave credits.
2. LeaveBoard
LeaveBoard is a cloud-based HR and employee leave management software that tracks employees’ time-off and leaves management.
It has a mobile application counterpart that adds to its efficiency. In the software, per se, LeaveBoard offers centralized records, which is available for everyone’s access. Regardless of department or division, you can see the attendance record of your colleagues.
Additionally, this software also makes requests for leaves easy. With a simple drop-down feature, you only need to supply a handful of details. You need to supply what type of leave you are applying for and for how long. An exciting added feature is that it shows who else is on leave or requesting for days off for the same days.
3. Spica
Similar to LeaveBoard, Spica is a cloud-based HR management software built specifically for the modern workplace.
It appeals to users by highlighting the efficiency of the service itself. Spica will efficiently manage filing, approval, and documentation of all employees’ requests regardless of the organization’s size.
Spica is an effective tool in boosting the organization’s productivity. As everyone can set their leave schedule beforehand, the top management can effectively appropriate the tasks to everyone. On top of that, scheduled leaves are an excellent intrinsic motivator to keep the employee motivated.
What are the different types of leaves?
How does an employee leave management system helps employees?
Points to Remember
Leaves is a necessary reward for all employees. Much more than just a reward, it is a just compensation for all the effort and time that employees dedicate on a daily basis.
This alone is one of the primary reasons why you need to invest in a top-performing employee leave management system. This system will automate an already easy but hard-to-track process. Investing in one is a smart move to save you from the worries of committing errors that may lead to bigger troubles.