School Management Software in Excel

School Management Software in Excel

Due to the rapid changes experienced by schools in terms of learning, instruction, and engagement to students, schools invest in digitized classrooms. Although this is an innovative approach, the emerging use of school management systems can be overwhelming. Educational institutions may turn to open source management or the integration of Excel templates for managing various…

3 School Bus Tracking Software

3 School Bus Tracking Software

Generally known as fleet management, school bus tracking software is the next big thing in school management.  How does a school bus tracking software work? A relatively new addition to school management features, school bus tracking was only possible by integrating navigation systems into the software. Similar to how fleet management software systems work, the…

6 Fees Reminder SMS Samples that Schools Need to Have

6 Fees Reminder SMS Samples that Schools Need to Have

It’s an undeniable fact that quality education is expensive. Parents save considerable sums every year to send their children to school. Most even apply for loans and opt for manageable payment arrangements.  To help, almost all schools provide several payment options that allow parents to pay off chunks of the total tuition fee in several…

10 Study Certificate Formats for Students (FREE Downloads)

10 Study Certificate Formats for Students (FREE Downloads)

Today’s practice of issuing awards to students is no longer confined to academic performance. Students now are taking part in a wider range of school activities and programs, thus fostering the discovery and development of talents and strengths. Whether these are core subject-related or extra-curricular, they matter in a student’s holistic development. Just as employees…

3 Virtual Classroom Software

3 Virtual Classroom Software

The transition to digital education required several software systems to migrate the experience of regular classes to the internet.  There is software for attendance tracking, administrative tasks, and plenty more. However, more software developers aimed to deliver the most valuable service among the needed software packages. And that is the virtual classroom software.  What is…

How to Increase Admission in Schools

How to Increase Admission in Schools

Keeping admission rates high is essential, especially now that we’re in the middle of a pandemic. It’s why many school administrators nowadays busy themselves developing admission strategies and learning how to increase admission in schools. But what happens when schools see significant declines in enrollment? What are the causes of declining admission rates? And, finally,…