Proper school management means processing several tasks all at the same time. Administrators then ventured out to using software systems that were highly specific for a particular task.
In some cases, one software is for student records management and another focuses on financial records. Shifting from one software to another can be quite taxing, especially when regularly used in demanding situations, such as schools.
Fortunately, all-in-one school management software suites are now available in the market. These types of software have all the necessary features that are necessary for school management. Lifting the previous situation, there is no longer a need for using different software for tracking student records and financial records. An all-in-one school management software can do both efficiently and more.
If your team is still looking into investing in management software in the market, we compiled a list of the best ones that are out right now.
List of the Best All-in-One School Management Software
1. GoSchooler
GoSchooler is a real-time school management software that streamlines attendance tracking, communication, and school admin management features in one. Financial management and equipment resource planning (ERP) features are also covered by this management software.

From the ERP tasks down to the Settings tab, all fundamental features of this school management software are pinned to the top for easy navigation.
Despite offering and processing multiple features at the same time, GoSchooler ensures seamless transactions. It has a wide dashboard view presenting different panels showcasing one of the software’s primary offerings. A window displaying the school’s retention rate is shown side-by-side with another panel that shows the current financial standing.
To make it better, the view of the dashboard or main portal is fully customizable. Users, specifically the school administrators, can modify the view according to their current needs. The portal is also accessible to all its possible users. Both the admin and teaching staff can navigate through the software easily. The priority features are all lined up in the software’s dashboard.
GoSchooler’s interface is also friendly to the students, who end up using the portal the most. The admin can configure the portal to include tabs of the features that are toggled every day. Some features include attendance tracking, notes, and resources.
GoSchooler gathers all the necessary school management features and siloed them into one management software.
2. Gradelink
Gradelink is another all-rounder cloud-based management software. It provides different types of management solutions for each group of stakeholders.
For the school admin team, Gradelink has a comprehensive student enrollment management system. It also provides immediate attendance report generation that helps the admin keep track of the school’s current student retention rate.
Along with the teachers, the school admin also enjoys the benefit of customizing grade scales and configuring assessments for each class. Course works and teacher designations are easier to assign and oversee through the portal. More than that, both the admin and involved teachers also have direct access to each of the student’s personal profiles.
Additionally, grade calculation is also another feature of this software. All the teacher needs to do is to input the data directly into the system and Gradelink will process them. Aside from the actual grade, the system also generates an estimated final grade for each student.
CANVAS is an all-rounder school management software but has a special emphasis on it being a cloud-based learning system. It offers complete features for a learning management system. It can store and properly organize online references per year level, such as textbooks and other learning materials. Teachers can upload these materials into the system directly.
This software is specially designed for senior high school education and higher, but it is also applicable for the lower levels. It is fully equipped to support flexible learning as it lets you create custom learning environments.
Despite its focus on learning management, CANVAS also provides other core school management features, such as available communication channels. Through the portal, parents and teachers can hold conversations about the child’s performance at school. Parents can also access the site to be up-to-date with their kid’s current academic milestones.
Additionally, CANVAS is a fully scalable platform. This feature makes this software applicable to any school institution regardless of size and total population. It makes it fully functional for individual classrooms to entire university-level institutions.
4. MyClassCampus
MyClassCampus is a school management software that offers more than 40 modules. These modules are segments of different core school management features. These segments or modules are strategically categorized to help you operate in the most organized and efficient way possible.
This management software covers inquiry management where interested students can send questions through the portal. Current students and parents can also send in inquiry forms to clarify existing school regulations and announcements. Alongside this feature is the organized operations management.
Another element that makes MyClassCampus a preferred brand is the design of its portal or dashboard. It presents a handful of information without being overwhelming. There are icons and buttons left and right, yet it is still easy to navigate. The modules and features are labeled properly. Even the new users of this software will find this software user-friendly.
With the number of available modules, seamless transactions and processing under the operations management are guaranteed. Designation and distribution of course work are also simpler with the integration of the learning management system in MyClassCampus.
Lastly, this software provides excellent customer support. The feedback is immediate and streamlined according to the client’s needs. It is compatible with both iOS and Android making it accessible to different types of users.
Final Takeaways
School management isn’t simply regulating policies and restrictions. It involves thorough planning, data collection and safekeeping, and keeping safe communication channels between the stakeholders of the organization. And there are still more aside from these listed tasks.
When done manually, these management tasks are overwhelming. It is confusing and plainly tiring. All-in-one school management software takes away the stress in executing these assignments. In a single software, attendance tracking is done alongside financial tracking.
School management has never been easier with the use of these all-rounder school management software.